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Track 1: Yoga and Meditation

 In Yoga and Meditation difference exists. Yoga is the way of living the life and Meditation is part of yoga. Meditation deals with mental relaxation and concentration which involves the focus on our breathing process. It helps to maintain mental stability whereas yoga represents the poses and breathing exercises which involve both Physical and Mental exercises. When practiced together, yoga and meditation it helps in gaining the strength between mind and body. In helps to control the mind and improves your fitness and wellbeing. There are many forms of yoga Involved which use controlled breathing throughout the yoga poses. Yoga is movement to prepare one’s body to do more kinds of meditation. Yoga practises helps to stretch the body and maintain fitness to live simple way of living. The body postures in yoga are termed as 'asana'. Yoga and meditation brings on uniting our bodies.

Track 2: Mudras in Yoga

Mudra means “seal” or “closure” in Sanskrit. It is a symbolic in Hinduism and Buddhism. Some of the mudras involve the entire body but some of them only need fingers used as gestures. Mudras are used mostly in yoga and meditation. Mudras are generally used in Dances, yoga and meditation process. Mudras act to stimulate different parts of the body with meditation which help to the flow of energy in the body. Hand gestures in yoga are classified as Mudras. They are performed while in seated in different asana. Mudras can be performed Padmasana, Sukhasana or Vajrasana pose.

The major 5 different mudras which are used in yoga on regular basis are

  • Shuni Mudra
  • Surya Ravi Mudra
  • Buddhi Mudra
  •  Prana Mudra
  • Dhyana Mudra

Track 3: Chakras in Yoga

Chakras concept is derived from Hinduism which means wheels. In the terms of yoga, the human body has seven major chakras which will be exposing the mind functioning in the body. Chakras take control over the body and regulate the functions of the body. When the Nadi’s get stucked in the functioning Chakras are responsible for the behavioural changes in the human thinking. Chakras helps human to think, feel and respond and being responsible. There are seven chakras derived from Hinduism and Buddhism which regulates the functioning of human mind and physical behaviours. Chakras regulate the flow of the energy in different parts of the human body which helps to stimulate the flow of fluids . Yoga helps to balance your physical and psychological body.

  • Root Chakra (Muladhara)
  • Pelvic Chakra (Svadishthana)
  • Navel Chakra (Manipura)
  • Heart Chakra (Anahata)
  • Throat Chakra (Vishuddhi)
  • Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)
  • Crown Cent

Track 4: Yoga for Nervous System

Nerves are the major part in the body it plays a vital role. Nerves acts like wires in our bodies. They circulate the information to the brain from other parts of the body. In yoga there are several asana’s which help to protect this nervous system and improves the circulation. Viparita Karani is the best pose for restoring the body and mind. This pose helps to bring relief in your lower back. It  effectively reduces the symptoms of anxiety and improves the stimulations in the brain and central nervous system. Aerobic exercises play a major role to move large muscles and cause you to breathe deeply. This increases blood flow and releases endorphins which abolish the natural nerve pains. It can help heal your mind and physical body

They are five different poses which include to better the nervous system are

  • Child’s Pose
  • Tree Pose
  • Legs Up the Wall Pose
  • Bridge Pose
  • Crocodile Pose

Track 5: Increase Brain Power with Meditation

Yoga makes you feel better. When you do yoga including breathing exercises which results to the freshness of body and mind. Breathing exercise involves inhalation and exhalations of the air where it calms pressure, which improves the task of the mind. In brain the cerebral cortex receive the information of sense organs. These are the parts of the cerebrum connected to the memory, ability to focus , capture the things and remember basic learning. In this manner meditation helps the body and brain to energize the intellectual happenings around.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date August 29-29, 2022

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